Thursday, November 15, 2007

Evolve or die! 32

[Still Scruff, having the time of my life stopping the evil Toxic from killing every drug addict in London by adding something nasty to the water. Laura Moriarty, alias the uber-cool Black Kitten, and Emily Fairbairn, the super-scary Outsider, are helping me. 'Cos they're my friends.]
The Black Kitten hurled herself through the door after Toxic, her costume's black tail whipping through the door after her. I faced three very angry London thugs, each twice my size. I'm rather small. But then, they only knew how to slug people they didn't like. I do Judo and Karate and stuff.
Using my cape like a bullfighter does (and these guys were sort of like bulls. Big and fierce and sweaty and stupid), I fought them, using my small size against these huge thugs (like Sis said, I think there's a captive breeding programme for them). They were slow too, and I'm quick. Hey, I may look like a scruffy computer geek, but really I'm a pretty good gymnast. I leaped, letting two thugs crack heads. Next I kicked the third in the head, and he bellowed with rage.
Like I said, bull-like. And very, very stupid. I mean, they should be grateful I don't kill casually the way Emily does.
I smacked one man's head into the concrete wall, and he suddenly became very quiet and started sleeping peacefully on the floor.
One down, two left. A simple Judo throw smacked one into the other, and a kick laid one out.
I faced the remaining very angry thug with a smile. One of the cool things about my hair is that it's so messy already I don't care about getting it mussed in fights.
"Grrr. I'll break you, little girl!"
"I don't think so!"
I hit him with a haymaker to the jaw. Sometimes the easy stuff's the best. A lot of these thugs have glass jaws too - that's why they're not boxers.
The man whent down like a felled tree, and I cheered myself. Hey, there was no-one else around to do it. And I felt I deserved it. Three thugs, and they hadn't even been able to lay a finger on me. I rock! I am just SO cool. And Emily says I'm getting big-headed. Sorry.
I ran after Laura. I saw her ahead, grappling with Toxic. Toxic's gun was on the floor, and she was obviously quite evenly matched with Laura. The Black Kitten was trying to wrestle Toxic to the floor, while Toxic was just trying to get Laura off of her.
Time for me to help, I thought.
"Hey, Toxic! You suck!"
Well, I wanted to distract her.
Toxic ignored me, and I ran to help beat her up. Suddely the villainess touched one of the cylinders on her right glove, and a brilliant blue flash blinded both of us.

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