Thursday, August 02, 2007

Evolve or Die! 19.

I sprang from the table at once and ran to the exit. Scruff followed, and I assumed Emily did too (her being invisible meant it was hard to tell).
I dashed down the stairs and out into the street, not caring what people thought. My friend was in trouble, and only I could help her. It's times like these I wish I had Supergirl's powers. They'd be so handy. Or maybe the Flash's powers...
Dream on! I'm not the fastest girl alive, and I can't defy the laws of physics. I am pretty athletic, though, so I made good time. Scruff sprinted after me.
We ran towards the Natural History Museum, feet pounding on the pavement. I wished I could change into my Girl in Grey costume, but this was way too public for that. I had to rely on The Outsider's skills to do the scary stuff.
Then I saw it. Diana being stuffed into a car by a group of armed men.
Guns. Too many guns. And I was unarmed. I stopped dead as a gun was pointed right at me.
"So, you're the friend she was 'phoning?" the masked gunman mocked. "Shame you can't help. But be glad we silenced her when we did - otherwise you'd be gettin' silednced - for good."
Did I say I hate guns. They're for cowards. Anyone can hide behind a pistol, pretend to be brave. Now a sword takes skill. Unarmed combat's an art. A gun? Most of these thugs don't even know how to aim one. But this man didn't need to, not at this range. He just had to point the gun at me, and if it didn't kill, it'd maim. Nasty, nasty thing.
There was a time all the amateurs went for headshots. That was quite funny, because the head's a small target and easiuly moved. I suppose it was some movie they'd all seen. Now they were back to body shots. And, despite our gun laws, it seemed every cheap thug in London had a gun.
The thug looked around at the sound of Emily's sinister voice. I seized my chance - and the man's gun. Using my own knowledge of unarmed combat techniques, I tore the sweapon from his hand, ejected the magazine, and threw both gun and magazine away.
Now the crook looked scared. Scared of me, because he had no gun, and I knew how to defeat him.
The car roared away. I let go of the crook and hurled myself after the vehicle in a desperate attempt to help my friend.
Somehow I caught the rear bumper and hung on for dear life. Thankfully I had my Girl in Grey costume on under my clothes.
Diana knew who Toxic was. That meant she was in serious danger. It also meant I had to save my friend, find Toxic, defeat the criminal mastermind, and save London from tens of thousands of deaths.
Good thing I'd started early and had a good breakfast.

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