Thursday, September 27, 2007

Evolve or die! 25

[Scruff here]
I tried to contact Sis, but her mobile was turned off. That meant she was in trouble, and it was up to us to stop Toxic.
I wanted to let Emily drive, but she told me first of all that she doesn't know how to and second that for a girl her age to do that is very illegal. So I had to drive, which is cool and everything, but it meant I couldn't use my computer at the same time, and Sis has git rather used to my computer skills getting her out of trouble. Sometimes you can just fight crime with a computer (it's fun diverting huge amounts of money out of crooks' bank accounts), but this time I was sure we'd have to be a bit more active.
The place was a dump. It was totally derelict and surrounded by a scrapyard full of dead cars. But this was where our stool pigeon had said the bad guys hung out, and I knew already that bad guys like to hang out in places like this.
Having parked the car, I got out my computer. Emily was slumped in her seat being quiet and trying not to be noticed. I had my mask and jacket off (being disguised as Robin might draw attention to me, while a girl wearing a green top wouldn't be so obvious), and I was doing my best not to look suspicious.
"Okay, Emily, we know Toxic wants to poison the water supply. So why's Toxic based here?"
"You're the girl with the laptop, not me," she replied. "I've just got a crossbow and some other nasty weapons."
Honestly, she can be so annoying sometimes. I guess it's 'cos she's thirteen and I'm sixteen. Or something like that.
"Okay, I'll have a look."
I started searching using the software package that the Sparrow had developed for Sis. I've got to hand it to her, Sis does have the coolest friends. And the coolest job. So I kind of enjoy working for her. Hey, it beats being back in school doing boring A-Levels and stuff. Boy, I'm glad I don't have to stay there til I'm eighteen!
Then I saw it. The Canning Town Water Treatment works, the latest, most high-tech water-treatment works in London, capable of treating half the city's water supply and just come on line. A perfect target - and why else would even a super-villain hang out in a dump like this? I mean, even super-baddies have some self-respect. Don't they? And they have to have REASONS for putting their bases where they do, right? I mean, like the guy who has a base in a volcano needs the volcano for something, doesn't he? So Toxic's base was in Canning Town because of the water-treatment works! See, I AM a detective. Sis is training me, so some day I'll drop this Robin outfit and have one of my own that's WAY cooler.
"Emily, I've got it! Canning Town Water Treatment works! It's just down the road and it does water treatment for half of London!"
"Okay. So we just turn up and tell them?"
"Don't be silly! We can't do that! The cops think Sis is bad - you know, like the Green Hornet?"
"Yes, I do. So what?"
"We have to stop the baddies ourselves."
"Yeah, I know. Hey! Your pal Laura Moriarty just finished her A-levels, right?"
"Right, but..."
"Let's call her up and see if she wants to help. She does Judo and stuff, doesn't she?"
"Right," Emily picked up my mobile.
We were going to kick those killers!

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