Monday, October 22, 2007

Evolve or die! 29

[More of me, Scruff]
We stopped dead at the sound of the guard's voice and turned around. He didn't have a gun, of course - hey, he was a British security guard. They don't let them have guns, and quite right too. Guns hurt people.
The guard was speechless for a moment as he saw us. Hey, like I said, cool costumes. And Emily just looks cool all the time. We kind of rock.
Apparently he gave Emily an opening. She fired her crossbow, smashing the guard's radio before he could report us. Bless the little crossbow-expert! She's dark and scary, and she kills people, but she is very, very cool. And when she fires that little crossbow of hers, she hits the target. UNLIKE all those losers on the BBC's 'Robin Hood'. Boy that show sucks... But Emily says I'm getting off-topic again. Hey, look, if you're going to make a show about Robin Hood, who's probably one of the coolest characters in the world, it's not hard to make the show cool, is it? But the BBC show... well, it's just not cool, that's all. Anyhow, back to the story...
Laura followed up for Emily, showing her athletic and martial arts ability. She knocked the guard out cold with two kicks. I was kind of impressed, and I'm not exactly a bad fighter myself. Emily does things with weapons, Laurra uses her hands and feet, and me? I'm the girl who does stuff with computers.

"He's out," Laura whispered. Emily and me moved silently over the grass to join her.
"Hey, good work, Black Kitten," I said. Laura's mask isn't the most expressive in the world. I know she got the idea from Batgirl, but it still looks cool. She pulls it off - she's got the figure for it. Me, I prefer my Robin outfit anyhow.
We moved silently across the grass to the buildings of the water treatment works. There we waited in the shadows, scanning the surroundings with our night-vision lenses.
The way was clear, and we moved forward. I'd got a plan of the plant off the internet (I am SUCH a geek like that), and we knew where Toxic would have to go to introduce her poison to the plant.
"Hey," Laura whispered, "I thought these plants purified the water."
"They do," I whispered back. "But the process isn't infallible. Why, I heard there was a case years ago when a chemical spill in Wales turned the whole of Liverpool's water supply into TCP mouthwash. The spilled cemical reacted with something in the treatment process to create the mouthwash."
"Ew! Imagine making coffee with that!"
"Yeah," I smiled.
There was the hub, the place where Toxic would have to insert the chemical. And once it was introduced into the water supply, thousands would be doomed.
I saw the van drive up, and I knew.
Toxic was here!

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