Saturday, June 09, 2007

Evolve or Die! 10.

We were in the Natural History Museum talking with a Professor Coral Williams, a rather flashy supporter of Richard Dawkins, and a Dr. Andrew Lansdale, an old friend of my Dad's and a biochemist. Coral called over a young woman in a better-looking (though cheaper) suit than hers.
"Cynthia, this is Jane Hill. She's a Christian."
"Really? Do you believe in evolution?"
"That we come from monkeys? Frankly, no. And I did a biology course at university, so I'm not ignorant. You see, I majored in genetics, and I could never find a source for the new genetic information necessary for Darwin's theory to be possible. Natural selection needs something to select, it can't create new information, it can only eliminate existing information. Random mutations aren't sufficient. And tell me, why isn't the human race evolving?"
"Like in 'X-Men'," Scruff added unnecessarily.
"Simple," Cynthia said. "We control our environment to a great extent. We can build cities in the deserts, transport water great distances, create climate-controlled environments. By technology we have overcome evolutionary pressures. Haven't we, Coral?"
"Exactly," Professor Williams nodded. "Oh, this is Cynthia Woodforde, one of my research assistants."
"I'm Scruff," Scruff introduced herself.
"You read comic books?"
"I'm sixteen! And you can learn a lot from comic books!"
Mercifully no-one asked what.
"It's a tragedy," Coral Williams said quietly. "We are the pinnacle of evolution so far, and we have ruined our future chances by our own errors!"
"What?" I asked.
"We have practically destroyed evolutionary pressure. For centuries, intead of allowing the weak and the unfit to die, we have preserved their lives. Thankfully now modern reproductive science has allowed us to practically eliminate certain unfitnesses such as Down's Syndrome and the cleft pallette, but still some families choose to have children with genetic disorders born, and they keep those children alive! It is an offence..."
"Coral!" Dr. Lansdale cried. "Please!"
I looked at Scruff and saw she looked a little scared by Professor Williams' rant. I don't mind saying I was as well.
If only I had been able to make the connection then!


Anonymous said...

She sounds ghastly! I hope she doesn't shop at the same place as me!

The Girl in Grey said...

I don't think the places you shop would SELL that suit. Well, I hope not.