Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Priory of Death: 3

Once the car was packed Scruff and I headed off towards Scotland. I had the car radio on, and Scruff was doing something with her iPod in the back. If I'd been looking closely I'd have noticed that she only had one earphone in, and the other one seemed to becaught on one of her sleeves. In fact Emily was listening to the same track as Scruff. But I had to concentrate on driving the car, so I didn't notice.
"I hope you're not going to be withdrawing into that electronic world," I cautioned Scruff. "I need to talk to someone so I don't drop off and go off the road. So, how did you find that service at the Methodists?"
Scruff made a face.
"Sis! I didn't like it!"
"No, it was pretty awful. But then the man was an imposter who was using sermons he got off the internet while he was using his job as a cover for his crimes."
"I still think it was awesome when you jumped down from the gallery and attacked him! I SO wanted to do that!"
"Yes, well I've always wanted to hit a man for that misquoting of Matthew 23.37 too," I answered. "I just hope that people realise why I chose that part of the sermon to jump on him."
"Me too," Scruff agreed.
"And how's your youth group going?"
"Okay. We have a meal out next Friday."
"I'll take Emily to the movies or something that night. Weren't you at the movies on Wednesday?"
"Yeah. Alice's brother goes to All Souls, and he said a movie had a real clear gospel presentation. It doesn't."
"Was it any good?" That's important in a film, in my opinion. I'm funny like that.
"No. Did people ask where I was at church?"
"Yes. I said you were with Alice. Pastor told me to remind you to come to the prayer-meeting whenever you can, but I forgot."
"You think Pastor doesn't like me?"
"Oh, he likes you. He just didn't appreciate your building a tower out of copies of Gadsby's during the sermon the first time you were in church."
"I said I was sorry!"
"I'm still living it down!" I laughed.
Yes, we had a merry time all the way up. And I didn't even notice that Emily was in the car with us. She and Scruff are a regular pair of conspirators!
And there I go speaking like I was their mother, not Scruff's older sister by six years! Still, those two DO need serious watching, otherwise they get into trouble. Lots and lots of it.

Which I do too, Scruff says. And boy did I get into trouble then!

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