Monday, December 18, 2006

The School for Scruff: 15.

As the tunnel roof gave way Sir Richard and I dived for cover. I pushed him out of the way of a descending timber, and fell myself. I felt something fall on my left leg, and I fell face-first into the stagnant water on the floor of the tunnel. I managed to raise my mouth out of the water and I called out to Sir Richard.
"My leg's trapped!"
"I can see that, lass," he turned on his torch and I smiled.
"Oh! You're all right!"
"My dear girl, it takes a lot more than a collapsing tunnel to finish Sir Richard Arcos!"
"Which I'm glad to hear. But can you lift this debris off my leg?"
He shook his head.
"Sorry. Doctor's orders, no amazing feats of strength allowed."
"I was afraid of that. Get Emily."
"Emily tells me she's twelve, lass."
"Yes, but whatever Ramdit Ghul did to her gave her superhuman strength as well as making her look like a particularly scary ghost."
"Well, at least it has some advantages. I'll get her."
He left me in the dark, lying on my front in six inches of cold stagnant water. The smell alone was... well, kind of nasty, really. I was pretty glad when I saw Emily's two glowing red eyes in the tunnel.
"I'll get you out in a second," she said confidently. She was right too. I tried to stand up, but my leg was too painful. Sir Richard picked me up.
"I thought your doctor..."
"Picking up someone as light as you isn't an amazing feat of strength. Well, I'll try to get the servants to help Emily and me clear the tunnel. I'll get the local doctor to see to that leg of yours."
"I feel like a helpless female..."
"Nonsense! You saved my life, lass. Now that counts for something. I may even have some manorial position I could appoint you to."
"Like manorial champion?" I volunteered.
"The very thing! Of course it does involve having to fight the Royal champion in single combat whenever it is the government get round to demanding I pay a few taxes, but you're a clever girl."
"And a black-belt in Judo."
"Of course, so's your grandmother. You don't look much like her, but you are a lot like her, you know. Sam shot her once. Entirely by accident, of course."
"Where's the 'of course'?"
"Point taken."
Sam was really quite nice to me when I was brought up. She helped Emily undress me and put me in a warm bath before the doctor came and said all I had was some bad bruising. I felt worst for Scruff. After all, I was leaving a lot up to her.

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