Monday, December 11, 2006

The School for Scruff: 9.

Pudding Norton College isn't a proper school. But you knew that. So did I when I agreed to go there to help Sis with her investigations. I even saw pictures of the real place, and I thought I knew about it.
I didn't. You have to be a pupil at the place to really know it.
Assembly was held in what felt and looked like an old aircraft hangar with no heating and holes in the roof. There were no chairs either, so I had to sit on the floor.
Baron Von Zstrongarm strode onto the platform at one end of the hall, and we stood up, as we had been ordered to.
"Welcome to Pudding Norton College," he said sadistically. "Yes, it is rather different from what you were expecting, is it not? And don't think of escaping! The perimeter is patrolled by savage dogs, there are electric fences, and guard towers with machine-guns and searchlights. No-one has ever escaped from Pudding Norton College to tell the world what happens here! Do not think that your deaths will accomplish anything, Doctor Von Rad, my deputy, is an expert in propaganda, and he will create a convincing story of how you died."
A nasty-looking little man with glasses grinned from the staff chairs.
"This year we welcome three newcomers to our Lower Sixth, Lucy Powell, Lilian Hill and Henry Conrad. Mr. Haupt is head of the Sixth Form. Haupt..."
A huge man in a paramilitary uniform stood up and grinned.
"Well. Will our newcomers please stand up?"
I stood, feeling rather exposed in the middle of an aircraft hangar.
"Ah yes. After assembly report to me, and I will arrange your courses. Rather than A-Levels we here at Pudding Norton College have chosen the International Diploma of Excellence, a qualification we feel is a lot more demanding," here he laughed wickedly. "A LOT more demanding!" The rest of the staff laughed too, something I didn't like.
"Sit down!" he barked. I sat quickly. Von Zstrongarm stepped forward again.
"Well, so we begin another year here at Pudding Norton College. Another year of labour. All I have to offer you," here he interjected an evil laugh. "All I have to offer you is blood, sweat, toil and tears. We will break you, conform you to our will! And soon, soon you will be my willing slaves! You will serve me! Serve me and help me to rule the world! You are the future! My army! And for now, for now you will be preparing for the coming struggle. Blood and fire will forge a new world! And I, Baron Von Zstrongarm, I WILL BE THE RULER OF THE WORLD! IT IS MY DESTINY! IT IS OUR DESTINY!"
He went on in the same strain. Apparently we would either be soldiers or agents of the Baron's evil organisation. Not me, I'd help smash it!

At last Assembly, which seemed to consist of listening to a rant by the Baron and singing a song praising him, was over. Lucy, Henry and I went to see Haupt.
"Ah, my new Sxth-form students," Haupt looked us over. "Henry, you are a fine strong young man. Lucy, you are a lovely young woman. Lilian..."
"Scruff. Everyone calls me Scruff."
"Ja, I see why. Lilian, you are a Scruff. Hmmm. Carole has seen you?"
"Oh, yes, Mr. Haupt," I said sweetly.
"I see. Scruff, let me be honest with you, I do not know what we will do with you. I shall think of something, I'm sure. In the meantime, you... failed five GCSEs?"
"I did."
It was true. I'm not going to say why.
"Then you will be with group 'D'. I hope we shall be able to make something out of you. Lucy, Henry, you are in group 'A'. Miss Von Tepp, take Henry and Lucy to class. I will take Scruff."
Haupt led me away. I was glad I was in there as a spy - if it had been for real I'd have been kind of upset.
"Scruff, you are perhaps more of a practical girl than you are academic?"
"Then you will like group 'D'. You have metalwork first!"
I was practically pushed into the metalwork building by Mr. Haupt. There I was handed a pair of protective goggles which I put on before Haput opened the door. I hurried in to avoid being pushed.
A great wall of heat hit me. Looking I saw a darkened room lit be the red of furnaces. On the benches molten metal was being poured into moulds.
Coin-shaped moulds. I was in a coining factory!

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