Friday, April 27, 2007

Revenge of the Adventurer! 22.

Miss Farrow took us into a palatial drawing-room and bade us sit down, which we did. Scruff took the hearth-rug.
"We're really looking into this whole film business," I explained. "I'm a very wealthy girl, and I liked the re-runs of 'The Adventurer' on TV when I was small, so I took a look at this film. I didn't know what it was then, but we found out. Then there was that murder and these attempted murders. So... I'm sort of intrigued."
"You're an amateur sleuth, Miss Hill, admit it!" Miss Farrow laughed.
"Jane, please. I feel terribly old when anyone calls me Miss Hill."
"Jane then. Jane and Scruff. I'm guessing Scruff's a nickname, right?"
"Right," Scruff laughed. "it's really Lilian, but no-one's called me that since I was a LOT younger."
"Let me get some tea or coffee for you two."
"Tea for both of us," I said quickly. Miss Farrow went to get it.
There was no mistaking that she was a nice person. She was wealthy, but the sort of wealthy lady who invites the village and the parish church to hold events in her house and gardens, who holds garden-parties for the ordinary village folk. In short, my kind of wealthy lady.
"She's not involved," I said. But then, I'd thought that about Barton too. And Walker was far too badly injured, mentally and physically, to hire men to do the killing. No, he'd have done it himself. Something didn't add up, and I was worried. I was missing something, and I didn't know what it was.
"Tea," Miss farrow announded, handing us our cups. We thanked her (being well brought-up girls).
"I'm sorry," Miss Farrow said as she sat down. "But that film's hurt all of us, John, Norman and myself. It's a deliberate attack on everything the Adventurer stood for, and that evil man's laughing at us. He's trying to make us a joke!"
"Why?" I asked.
"He hates John and the fact that John's books sold whle his didn't. But there was a reason for it. His books were awful, sordid little books about sordid little people doing sordid little things. John had an ideal, and the Adventurer was that ideal. So now Galliard wants to drag that ideal through the mud! And now these attempted murders linked with the name of the Adventurer! Tonight John's going to have a final meeting with Galliard, at Galliard's home in Surrey."
It was then all the pieces of the puzzle dropped into place. I jumped to my feet with a yell of alarm and surprise.
"Jane?" Miss Farrow asked.
"I know who the criminal is! Oh my..."
"Who?" Scruff asked.
"It's Galliard! It's been Galliard all along!"

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