Thursday, September 21, 2006

When The Green Man's Away, 9. Deacons to the Third Degree

After the service I retreated to the Deacons' vestry, where the six burly rugby-playing deacons had the two failed assassins tied up. Samantha was standing guard over them.
"Hi," I said brightly. "So, you tried to poison Mr. Wynn Wynn."
"I never..."
"That wasn't a question, it was a statement. I overheard a conversation in the antiques shop. Oh, and I landed on you last night," I added, addressing myself to the injured man.
"We're not talking."
"You are," one of the decons said, flexing his muscles. "We don't like men trying to poison our pastor..." he left the rest to the men's imaginations. I just smiled.
"I'll talk!" the injured man yelled.
"Where's the boss?" I asked him directly.
"The boss?"
"Derec Vedder Jones."
"His base is in the old Llancorwenidris coal mine!"
"Traitor!" the other man said. One of the deacons hit him.
"Thank you," I smiled. "I'm glad you boys co-operated, otherwise I would have had to hang one of you off the top of the highest point of the castle, and you wouldn't have liked that."
With that I left, followed by Samantha.
"Result?" Rev. Wynn Wynn asked me anxiously.
"Result. The man I landed on last night didn't feel like being kicked around the floor by the deacons."
"I'm glad to hear it. Will you be able to stay for lunch?"
I decided I would. Free food is always welcome.

Refreshed by the food supplied by Rev. Wynn wynn's charming wife, Gwynn Wynn, Samantha and I set off for Llancorwenidris in the car I had hired (my own grey car being in dock). I had a map showing me where the abondoned mine was. The whole thing was supposed to have been sealed up long ago, but I knew enough about Derec Vedder Jones to know that he was more than capable of re-opening it secretly.
I had no idea what I might find there, but I was well-equipped. Dressed in my close-fitting grey suit, blonde hair covered, my equipment belt stocked with such things as breathing equipment, flares and a small, powerful torch.
Derec Vedder Jones ought to have been very worried.

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