Saturday, September 30, 2006

Revenge of the Spanish Prisoner. 5, O. Bucky is Disarmed!

"No-one move," the dramatically-armed O. Bucky Akenbola warned. I smiled.
"Well, just the cybernetically-armed thug I was looking for. Is that what you sprang your little brother from prison with?"
"Why, you..."
I saw him move, and I dived for cover. The huge weapon fired, with a massive recoil. I felt the bar smash into matchwood behind me.
Then I heard a loud clang, and a yell. Looking up I saw O. Bucky Akenbola standing there looking in shock at the huge cybernetic arm that lay on the floor, twitching.
"Well! Looks like a handy way to disarm yourself," I cracked, jumping to my feet. "But I have my weapon!"
My whip cracked across Akenbola's face, drawing blood. With a curse he ran from the bar, followed by his men.
I ran after them. In the street, facing just little me, they seemed to find some of that courage they'd lost in the bar. Someone threw a knife at me, but I easily knocked it aside. My whip tore the knife from another man's grasp.
And then they fled. I laughed as they went, glad that I had seen them off this time. Akenbola would need to do better than that. A LOT better.
I ran back inside at the landlord's call. He was standing beside what was left of the bar, on which he had placed the mechanical arm.
"It comes off when he fires," he told me. I laughed.
"Yes, it does. Apparently O. Bucky didn't realise the kick this thing has."
"Si," he agreed. "Look."
On the underside of the device were the words 'Made in Taiwan' printed on the chromed steel. A sticker said 'Warning, this is not a toy.'
"I guess O. Bucky forgot to read that one," I joked. "Say, where did he get this?"
"I do not know, Señorita, but I know a man who can help, Don Diego Carillo. Maria! Take the Señorita to Don Diego!"
Maria, one of the barmaids, led me out into the street. She took me down a backstreet where there was a neon sign saying 'Internet'.
Well, that figured. You can get nearly everything on the internet these days.
I entered. Don Diego, a tall man with a neat grey beard, rose to greet me.
'The Girl in Grey! What is your purpose of this visit, Señorita?"
"I need to find out where this comes from," I produced the mechanical arm.
"Ah yes, I will find it."
It took a simple Google search for 'mechanical arm guns' to locate the dealer, who was located on Oldham Road, Manchester (of all places). It took me two minutes to hack into his files and locate the address O. Bucky Akenbola had given. '2, Hill Street, Viñacos, Almeria, Spain.'
Wonderful. I had my location.
I thanked the Don and ran back to my horse. With a gleeful cry of 'Hi-yo Silver!' (I've always wanted to do that) I rode off into the night.

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