Friday, March 02, 2007

Double Trouble! 17.

"Hey!" I protested as the huge ape of a manservant manhandled me. "I'm a charity collector! What on earth...?"
"Simple, my dear Miss Hall," Moriarty, who was wearing a smoking-jacket, drawled urbanely. "I'm a regular subscriber to the Dogs' Home."
"Which is why I came to your front door! I'm a good girl, Mr. Moriarty, and your behaviour is completely unacceptable!"
I wasn't acting either. Men who treat women like that are beyond the pale!
"Where's your identification?"
Like I'm that stupid! I innocently produced it, and Moriarty let me go. Scruff's really good at forging identification as well. I cook breakfast, she forges my Dog's Home ID.
I went back to the car, set the security system, and waited. Part of me wanted the thug to come out and touch the car - I felt he deserved a nice big electric shock.

[Outsider here]
I think Jane's able to look after herself (well, she looks after us quite well anyhow), so I just followed orders and hurried up the stairs. I know Jane prefers it if we follow orders, and she's pretty good at talking her way out of difficult situations.
On the landing I faced a number of doors. The sound of Laura's voice rather revealed her location to me, and I entered her room thorough the keyhole. It's kind of uncomfortable, but it's more discreet than opening the door. Also I wasn't completely sure who Laura would be speaking to.
"... I'll be fine, Molly!" she was saying into a pink telephone handset. Making sure she was alone in the room, I made myself visible.
"Oh! Gotta go!" Laura exclaimed. She put the 'phone down and faced me.
"You!" she said.
"Li'l ol' black-and-smoky me," I affirmed.
"Wht are you doing here?"
"The Girl in Grey figured out who you are. If she did it... your Dad can."
"I can handle Dad."
"You don't know what a ruthless killer he is, Laura!"
"And you do?"
"Well, I kill people ruthlessly too. But only criminals. Laura, I'm worried. If your Dad catches you..."
"SHE sent you! Well, tell her I can handle things. I'm not a child any more. I'm sixteen!"
"I'm twelve."
"TWELVE!" Laura was incredulous. Most people are when they find out.
"Twelve. I'll be thirteen in May."
"Then you know..."
"I know how dangerous this life is." I sat down on her bed. "And you've chosen to go up against your Dad, Laura. Be careful."
I left her there and returned to the car.
"She won't listen," I told Jane. Jane nodded sadly.
"I'm sorry," was all she said before we drove off.

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