Thursday, March 22, 2007

Revenge of the Adventurer! 2.

Since Galliard was busy for the rest of the day, I arranged to visit the next day. Once we were out in the car Scruff turned to me and grinned.
"Well, do I make a good secretary?"
"Oh, you're great. I loved the way the receptionist told you to stop bothering me!"
"Yeah, well, no-one's perfect! Sis, it looks like there's going to be trouble over this film."
"I wouldn't be at all surprised," I started my grey Jaguar. "Galliard seems a rotten sort of a man. Fancy buying that poor man's character and then totally changing it!"
"The film's going to bomb," Scruff already had the laptop out of the glove compartment and was on line.
"Oh, no reason. Except the information I'm just putting on a film site I subscribe to."
"So I shouldn't invest in it?"
"No. Definitely not."
I agreed. After all, if the film was a sure-fire success, why buy the rights to an existing character? Those who remembered the 1960s Adventurer would be turned off by the film, and those who didn't wouldn't really care. I had to see a script, of course, but already I was worried.
We got home to find Emily in the kitchen looking bored. True, her black smoky face doesn't give much away, but her body language did, and when I see a girl sitting slumped in a chair drumming her fingers on a worktop, I know she's bored. Especially when she'd been using my pin-board for target practice.
"Emily, what's up?"
"No criminals to scare witless?" Scruff added. Sometimes I wish she'd be quiet.
"No... only it's wonderful weather and here I am stuck inside all day because I'm black and smoky."
"You could go out invisible."
"I can't cross roads when I'm invisible!" she protested. "And people walk into me."
"That explains that unexplained stabbing on Waterloo Bridge last night," Scruff cracked. "A man was stabbed in the leg when he walked into something he couldn't see."
"Yeah, that was me," Emily confessed. "He was the eighth person walked into me, and I snapped."
"Well, Sis is going into the movie business," Scruff announced. "A bloke called Galliard's trying to get her interested in backing a turkey he's making."
"So what's in it for me?" Emily asked suspiciously.
"You can spy on filming. Hey, who's in the pic?"
Galliard HAD told me that. He had enough backing to start filming, and it was cast.
"Jackson Hughes is playing Richard Coventry, the Adventurer, Alice Slate is going to be Lana Coll."
"Who?" Scruff asked.
"I know. We'll meet them to-morrow, I guess. The script writer's Jason Stock, who used to write for some soap."
We had a quiet night in. I was woken in the morning by Emily jumping on me.
"Emily!" I protested.
"But the news!"
I jumped out of bed and ran to the living-room. The item was still on.
Jason Stock had been murdered!

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