Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Double Trouble! 23.

"Hi," I greeted the men with a disarming smile. They remained resolutely armed.
"Yer ain't gonna rescue nobody," the leader, who looked and sounded like he'd lost boxing matches with every heavyweight in the world, told me.
"Grammar! Two negatives..."
"We don't CARE about no-one's grammar," another of the men declared. "We just care about takin' you to pieces. So the boss is havin' his fun downstairs..."
"No-one tortures my sister!"

I looked up. So did the thugs. We saw Scruff, in her Robin outfit, leaping down from above, cape billowing.
"Wot the..."
Emily opened fire.
If I ever doubt that Emily Fairbairn was trained as an assassin, I just have to watch her at times like these. Her crossbow's just the normal one-shot kind, nothing fancy, nothing out of the ordinary. Still, her rate of fire's amazing. She got off all six shots while Scruff was still in the air. Six pistols dropped from injured hands, and then we were in our element. Emily leaped down to join us.
Scruff doesn't fight fair. She just doesn't, it's how she is. But then the odds were two to one, and we were all a lot smaller than our opponents.

It wasn't a fair fight. For one thing, Emily has superhuman strength. For another, I had my whip and I'm not afraid to use it. And for the third thing, the men were all wounded.
We left the six former heavyweight boxers reflecting unconsciously on how it feels to be beaten by girls and ran for the cellars.
There was a heavy iron door there, and it was locked. But the key was in the lock, so Emily could get through the little grille in the door and unlock it for us.
We faced three more crooks. But they faced the Outsider's crossbow with nothing more than knives. They hung back. I heard Laura scream again.
"Are you scared of three girls?" I asked mockingly. "come on then! I'll show you how to fight!"
My whip disarmed two of them, and Scruff's right boot did the job on the third. We wiped the floor with them. And the floor was pretty dirty too.
Three more men rushed in. I left them for Scruff and Emily. I had more important things to do.
I burst through into the torture chamber. Laura was in a sorry state, I thought as I looked at her. The eyepieces of her cowl were shattered, the portion that covered her mouth was torn away. There were a few cuts to her upper arms and her thighs. Nothing serious. But she was shackled to a wall, and Moriarty -her own father- was standing in front of her with a wicked little knife.
Moriarty whirled, and as he whirled he threw the knife in his hand. I tried to dodge, but I was too late. The blade embedded itself in my right shoulder. Moriarty drew another knife from his jacket.
"No!" Laura screamed. She strained forwards, but she could not break her bonds of steel.
Great, I was facing a knife-throwing villain, and I was hurt.
"Goodbye!" Moriarty threw the knife.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - such intrigue - such excitement for a book-o-blog! i can't wait to read the next part!