Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Roses are Blue, 1.

[Scruff here. Sis let me write the introduction to this story]
Sis and the Green Man had a date. So while they were sitting together at a table, whispering sweet nothings to each other, I was sitting with Ms. Madison. Unfortunately we don't have so much in common as I'd like, but we have enough in common to get on.
"... Scruff, you really ought to learn how to dress properly," she was saying to me. "Those clothes just make you look... dreadful. Like you get all your things second-hand from a charity shop."
"I do," I replied. "Look, my stepmother stole my inheritance. Anyhow, I don't care how I look."
"Which is why you didn't brush your hair this morning. Scruff, you're a mess."
"And I don't care. Ask Sis. She'll tell you I keep my clothes in a pile on my bedroom floor."

"Scruff! What are we going to do with you?"
"That's for Sis. Unless she and your boss get married."
"Oooh! Now you're needling me!"
"I know. I went to a girls' broarding-school, remember?"
"I forgot. You don't look the type."
"I didn't feel the type either. Sis went to the same school, but she did A-levels and went to university. How's Emily doing?"
"Still black and smoky. She frightened the milkman yesterday."
"So why does she have to stay at your place?"
"The Green Man has guests. She was only trying to help me."
"But she forgot she looks scary. Hey, this is a nice cafe."
"Your sister's choice. Do you come here often?"
"A salad bar? I prefer fish and chips. So do the cats."
"The fifteen cats. How do you cope?"
"They let us live in the place with them. It was Midnight's birthday yesterday, so we had a cake."
Yes, it was another evening in London. The Green Man and Sis on a date, Ms. Madison and me playfully needling one another. We weren't looking for crime, but rime turned up anyhow.
There was the sound of gunfire outside. Sis and the Green Man jumped up and ran outside. Ms. Madison followed them and I, not really wanting to be left on my own, ran after her.
A small crowd had gathered in the street outside. There was a man in grey suit lying on the pavement, and he was very obviously dead.
And lying on top of his body was a single blue rose.

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