Saturday, November 11, 2006

Roses are blue, 4.

[I'm back. The Indian Embassy finally agreed to let Scruff into the country.]
Dressed in my grey costume, I sat in my streamlined, high-powered grey car, headed for what had been Carl Petersfield's address. It had been a nice day for the four of us, and I wished the Green Man hadn't had to go. Scruff really missed Ms. Madison too, but Scruff doesn't say things like that. They annoy each other too.
Suckling Mansions was a huge 1930s building, the sort that has a huge garage and uniformed doormen in top hats, where you feel the staff are doing you a huge favour just letting you in.
Well, they weren't letting me in. I was getting in up the fire escape at the back. All that climbing means my suit has to be pretty hard-wearing. Fire escapes tend to be rough metal.
I reached the back window of Carl Petersfield's flat and had it open in seconds. I slipped inside and looked around myself. Even in the dark the place dripped luxury. The home of an unmarried millionaire. Dad's place was never this tidy - he had two daughters around the place, and one of them was Scruff. The other one liked to leave books all over the place. We were wonderfully untidy, but Dad loved us, and we loved him. This place was different, everything had a place, and everything was in its place.
All the better for me to search the place. I moved silently into the study.
Suddenly I heard a key turn in the lock. I ducked behind the desk and waited.
The door opened, and a torch flashed in the darkness. That told me at once who I had to deal with. The management and the police would have turned the lights on. Someone else had come here looking for something. But that person had a key. It could only mean one thing - whoever this was was connected with Petersfield's murder!
The person moved across the carpet and knelt down in front of a small safe. I watched as the person inserted a key into the lock of the safe and opened it. The intruder began to search through the safe. He pulled out some papers and a small box, then turned to the door.
I sprang from behind the desk and landed in the doorway, whip held ready.
"Well! You shouldn't be in here!" I said.
The man stared at me in surprise.
"For obvious reasons, they call me the Girl in Grey."
"You have no idea who you are dealing with!"
Someone stuck a gun in my back and I slowly raised my hands.
I had assumed there was only one of them, and now I realised how wrong I had been.

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