Friday, October 06, 2006

Family Business, 3. The Peroxide Peril

I crouched in the darkness outside my stepmother's house, trying to take in what I had heard.
First of all, my stepmother had been embezzeling Scruff's inheritance. That was bad enough. You've seen my drawing of Scruff, she's the sort of girl it's easy to like so long as you don't have to tidy up after her. Kind of like a big, untidy cocker spaniel, I suppose. To think the Peroxide Peril had been robbing her made my blood boil. How dare anyone mistreat MY sister!
What was worse, the Peroxide Peril was the assassin who had been hired by the men who killed my Dad. She had assumed that he had willed everything to her, and to add to that she had the pay-off for the murder. I knew she married Dad for his money, but I'd had no idea she'd KILLED him for it.
Now I did. I could bring her to justice for robbing Scruff, but then I might never be able to get the proof I needed that she had been the assassin who killed my Dad. To do that I'd have to use my head. To crash in there and start to make trouble might work for a huge young man, but not for me. Men might be able to get away with using their muscles instead of their brains, but not me.
I turned and ran back across the garden, back to my car.
When I got back to the flat I found Scruff asleep on the sofa, and the TV still on. I turned off the set and she woke.
"Oh! It's you!"
"Who else would it be?" I asked. I sat down on the arm of the sofa.
"Scruff, I want to... We don't have secrets, do we?"
"Well, we never did," she agreed.
"Okay. I went to our stepmother's place tonight."
"You didn't?" a look of concern flashed into her eyes. I laughed.
"Don't worry, I didn't crash in there and make a scene - you ought to know me better than that. I just listened at the window and left. She was talking to a man there. She's been stealing your money."
"The dirty..."
"That's not all, Scruff. She said she killed Dad."
"No!" Scruff cried. I could see she believed me. We both know her too well to think well of her.
"Yes, Scruff. Have you heard of the Girl in Grey?"
"You mean the mysterious female crime-fighter who dresses as a cat?"
"Exactly. Well, I'm the Girl in Grey."
"I know," Scruff laughed. "Give me SOME credit for a brain! So, when do we start?"
"To-morrow," I answered. "Tonight we'll rest."
The two of us went off to bed.
The next day we would begin to make our plans to visit justice upon our father's killer.

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