Monday, October 09, 2006

Family Business, 5. Girls' Night Out

The day passed quickly as we went shopping in central London. But when night came two small figures in raincoats moved silently through the night, towards a blind alley.
Behind the brick wall at the far end of the alley was a secret door, and behind the door was my secret base.
It impressed Scruff. She looked... odd in there. My base is so tidy, and Scruff is so UNtidy.
I took off my raincoat and hung it up, then pulled on my grey mask. Scruff whistled.
"Well! What a wonderful outfit!"
"I'm afraid you'll just have to put a scarf over your face," I told her.
Soon the pair of us were in my grey car, speeding through London, towards Hampstead. I had word from one of my agents that the Peroxide Peril was visiting someone out there at a bar.
I parked the car in a quiet street in the London suburb, somewhere no-one would notice it. The two of us moved off silently, through the shadows.
We avoided main streets, preferring alleyways with dim light, where my grey costume melted into the shadows. Scruff followed me, until we were at the back of the bar.
The Peroxide Peril would be in a first-floor room, at the back. I pulled out my whip, and caught the sturdy guttering with it. I turned to Scruff.
"Keep watch here. I'll be listening outside the window."
I climbed up the whip while Scruff kept watch below.
The windows weren't curtained, and inside I could see the table.
The Peroxide Peril came in, dressed up in expensive clothes I suspected she had bought with Scruff's money. A man followed.
"Thanks for meeting me here at such short notice," the Peroxide Peril said. The man nodded.
"That's what I do. What do you want me for?"
"My stepdaughter Lilian has run off. I want her brought back. She's staying with her sister."
"And that sister...?"
"Hurt her badly. Teach her a lesson."
"Okay, lady. Family trouble..."
Suddenly I heard Scruff scream below. I slid down my whip and turned.
To look straight down the barrel of a gun.

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