Saturday, February 10, 2007

Double Trouble! 4.

I like fancy-dress parties, and I chose our costumes carefully. The Green Man is unfortunately right when he says I have a Batman thing (but I don't mind HIM saying that), and I decided to go as Batgirl with Scruff as Robin.

The Outsider was easier. She was our invisible protectress. I assumed they weren't going to want a girl of about twelve at the party. Fully attired in our smart costumes, we arrived at the Lansdowne in good time.
I smiled sweetly at the man on the door, who looked like he'd had a short career as a boxer followed by a longer one as a gangland enforcer, and I showed him the forged invitation. The invitation's just for show these days. Really the important thing is the tablet PC that the rat-like man behind the bouncer has.
"Yeah, they're in," the rat-like man confirmed.
"Go in," the bouncer sounded pretty threatening when he was welcoming us. I hated to think what he's like with gatecrashers, although I had the feeling I might have to find out.
Our host was David Moriarty, no relation to Sherlock Holmes's adversary (well, no blood relation). An intensely charming man, he stood surrounded by pretty girls who thought a fancy dress party was an excuse to remove most of their clothes.
"Hi," I smiled sweetly at him. "Roberta Kane. This is my sister Sally."
I knew Emily had come in with us, but I had less than no idea where she was now. Knowing her, The Outsider would be scouting the area.

"Hey, Batgirl," Scruff was enjoying the party already, I thought, "a word?"
We withdrew to a corner and Scruff whispered to me.
"Sis, should we be looking for the Black Kitten?"
"Well, sure..." I looked around. There were all sorts of costumes around, some with full face masks - like the three Darth Vaders who were wandering around. I knew the Black Kitten was nearly as small as I am, with a reasonable figure. I told Scruff that and she laughed.
"Sis! You're being catty again!"
"I know. She has that effect on me. I nearly wore my Catwoman costume tonight."
"So, is your utility belt fully stocked?"
"Weapons bag masquerading as my purse," I replied.
"Clever. So, who are these people?"
"Gangland aristocracy. Our host, Mr. Moriarty, 'Knuckleduster' Smith of Wapping, Miss Candy Delgardo, don't let her cute looks fool you, she's nearly as powerful as Moriarty. You know, usual people. You might recognise them from the database."
"Oh, those people? Of course. I kind of spend most of my time doing internet research for you, remember?"
"I know. That's why I employ you as my secretary. I ought to take you along to a board meeting just to see the faces of the board..."

Suddenly our party was interrupted. A figure sprang from the musicians' gallery (the picture is of the place when it's empty, Scruff thought it might help) and I had a sense of deja-vu, remembering when we'd first met Emily.
But this figure was very solid, if rather small. And she was dressed in skin-tight black from head to toe.

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